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It's not perfect but...

Oh boy! How many times have I heard that from quilters when they are showing their work? Too many!

Why is it that as quilters, we feel the need to apologize for our work? When we go into an art gallery, we don't see apologies. "It's not perfect but, here's a painting by Monet..." "It's not perfect, but here's a sculpture by Michelangelo..."

Like any artist, quilters perfect their craft over time - in fact, over many years. We learn new techniques and we perfect old ones with every quilt we make. While we may be our own worst critics, we should never apologize for our art.

I think it was St. Francis of Assisi that said:

"He who works with his hands is a laborer.

He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.

He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist."

I would have a difficult time believing that any quilter does not employ all three - hands, head, and heart - in every quilt made.

Never apologize for your art! Your art is beautiful!

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